PNG Receives Major Donation From A-mark, JM Bullion, And Stack’s Bowers
Funds will help the Professional Numismatists Guild’s educational and membership-expansion efforts, and other important activities.
On behalf of three of the numismatic companies he oversees, long-time hobby business executive Greg Roberts has announced what is described as a combined “six-figure commitment” donation by the firms to the Professional Numismatists Guild.
Roberts is the Chief Executive Officer of the three well-known companies making the donation: A-Mark Precious Metals, JM Bullion, and Stack’s Bowers Galleries.
“Greg and the companies have agreed to become Official Sponsors of the PNG for at least the next two years. The PNG welcomes this major donation from these respected businesses to help provide funding for educational seminars, networking events, the annual PNG Day in conjunction with the Central States Numismatic Society convention, and other PNG important programs and activities to benefit the hobby, collectors, and professional numismatists,” stated PNG Executive Director John Feigenbaum.
Founded in 1955, the PNG is a nonprofit organization composed of many of the top rare coin and paper money dealers in the United States and four other countries. PNG member-dealers must adhere to a strict Code of Ethics in the buying and selling of numismatic merchandise.
For additional information about PNG, visit online at or call (951) 587-8300.

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Source: Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG)

The Professional Numismatists Guild was founded in 1955, due in no small measure to the vision of well-known coin dealer Abe Kosoff. Kosoff and several other coin dealers believed that the hobby of coin collecting would be better served if a professional group was organized. After much effort, the Professional Numismatists Guild was established. Its motto, “Knowledge, Integrity, Responsibility” continues to reflect the aims of our not-for-profit organization.
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